The Evil A: Anxiety
The Evil A: Anxiety
Anxiety. Just the word can cause panic in a person’s mind, but it does not need too. Consider the fact that some anxiety is good - like trying to cross a busy road or wanting to get a high grade on a test. In those circumstances, anxiety is a big help because it motivates and pushes us enough to prepare and make positive decisions.
However, sometimes anxiety seems to have a life of its own and it overwhelms us like a being trapped in an ocean wave and not being able to find a way out. So, what are some ways to swim to the top?
First – breathe. It is amazing how when our body tenses up with anxiety we stop breathing. Slowly breathe in and out.
Second - reframe the situation. Instead of saying “I will never” try “let me start with this small piece” and work towards other small, manageable goals.
Anxiety is a state of mind that, as therapists, we have a lot of experience with. Let us guide you down a new way to think about the challenges in your life. There is no reason to fear anxiety when we can all learn ways to manage it.