Ways To Find (at least a teeny bit of) Motivation
Ways to find (at least a teeny bit of) motivation
All of us feel unmotivated at times. It may be because we are just in a slump… or it may be because we are depressed and feel hopeless about the future and making any kind of change seems insurmountable. Please don’t give up hope! No matter what the reason you are feeling unmotivated, these tips can help you reclaim your drive.
1. Start small. – It is easy to give up when you feel stressed and constantly overstimulated. Start with baby steps. Choose a doable goal that won’t overwhelm you. The completion of a small goal can give you a sense of productivity and also can help to build confidence for the next (and possibly, larger) goal or goals.
2. Remind yourself why you care (or at least used to care!) - Let’s say your goal is to complete a college course. Think of why you care about this goal – for example, will it bring you closer to a career you are interested in? Then imagine yourself completing the goal and how it will make you feel. Hopefully, you can imagine yourself feeling proud of your accomplishments and maybe even relieved to have the goal completed. Use these feelings to increase your drive.
3. Use teeny rewards throughout the day. - This is something I use every single day of my life. Sometimes it is for small things, like I will tell myself, “Mary, finish this progress note and you can check Instagram.” For bigger goals, you may want to use bigger rewards. (I personally like chocolate milkshakes or a drive to the beach, but the reward can be anything!)
4. Pair your work with something fun (or at least fun-ish) – Let’s be real. Sometimes, work just isn’t fun no matter how hard we want to pretend it is. But many times, we can still make it bearable by pairing it with things that can make the task a little better. This can be done by making your workspace as cozy and comfortable as possible (maybe add some throw pillows, a cozy blanket, music, or a fun scented candle). For me, even using a certain favorite pen can make me feel less annoyed with having to complete a boring job. It can also be fun to ask a friend to be a work-out or study buddy to make exercise or studying feel more engaging.
5. Try to limit certain energy draining activities to help you save energy for those things that you want to be motivated for. – Social media is a big one in this category, but news programs and television shows can also suck us in and be very emotionally exhausting.
6. Finally, remember to take a breath and to show yourself some love. – Try to release any guilt you may have for not being productive. Remember – tomorrow is a new day. You can always try again and sometimes taking a break and coming back to something brings new perspective.